Daly Park Accountants Year End Tax Guide is now available
28 January 2019

Tax Planning
Our Year End Tax Guide provides tips to help you reduce your tax bill in advance of the end of the current tax year on 5th April 2019. Tax planning to ensure you avail of all relevant tax reliefs and tax allowances can be very beneficial and should be undertaken before the end of the tax year.
Click on our Year End Tax Guide for 2018-19 - it will help you to review your tax affairs before the end of the current tax year.
The guide provides suggestions and some tax planning opportunities which you may wish to consider. Not all suggestions will be relevant to you but, where a suggestion is of interest, please contact us at Daly Park Chartered Accountants on (028)30267715 directly for specific advice.
Many of the suggestions relate to investments and pensions but you should always seek financial advice from a reputable independent financial adviser before committing to any investment or pension decisions.