National Living Wage - Are You Ready
07 January 2016

National Living Wage for workers aged 25 and over
With just over 3 months to go, are you ready to introduce the new National Living Wage (NLW) of £7.20 an hour for workers aged 25 and over which comes into effect on 1 April 2016?
There are steps employers can take now to ensure they comply with the new rates:
- find out which staff are eligible for the new rate
- update your company payroll in time for 1 April 2016
- communicate changes to staff
A government survey of 1,000 employers found that although 93% think the NLW is a good idea, many businesses have not started preparing for the changes. We would urge employers to get ready now to avoid falling foul of the law when it takes effect.
Contact Aine O'Hagan if you need to discuss your plans for the NLW.
The National Minimum Wage will continue to apply to all other eligible workers.